Log Home Blog

5 Different Ways Of Protecting Your Log Cabin From The Elements
A natural log cabin gives you unbounded freedom and you can enjoy a rustic experience. Log cabins are all about bringing the feel of the ‘outdoors’ in your home through natural light, spectacular views and use of wood. But while enhancing this rustic feel of your log...

Common Log Home Questions Answered: Log Home Restoration
This is a two part series post on the most common questions on log home restoration and maintenance. Part one is about- restoration of a log home, which is a big project to take on but once the log home is returned to its original beautiful state, all the effort that...

Log Home Restoration Process – Give Your Log Home A Make Over
Many log homes lose their sheen early due to lack of proper maintenance. But log home owners need not panic! Log home structures can go from looking worn-down and past their prime to beautiful and glorious, with a little restoration effort, involving four steps- Log...

Proper Maintenance For Log Home Siding
Log siding can be used in cabin construction, as finish for your frame-constructed home or even to make a beautiful remodel design statement for your existing home. Many people prefer quality wood siding because it can fit conventional house frames while adding rustic...

Interior Maintenance of Your Log Home
Wood can look good even as it gets older, with adequate care and proper maintenance. Log home owners take pride in maintaining the natural look and shine of the logs on the outside. But many tend to forget that the inside of the home needs to be kept clean, secure and...

5 Spring Log Home Maintenance Task
You may have a small log cabin by the lake or a luxury mountain retreat, but either way you will need to some maintenance work before opening your home for the summer season. Inspecting and carrying out needed repairs to your prized log home during spring can save...